Saturday, January 30, 2010

Who Owns the Corporations?


With many people, blindly towing the line for socialism these days, God help us all. See, the people who get so mad when a segment of America stands up to speak their minds, are the same people to call others Bush lovers and conservatives for not agreeing with the politics of the incumbent president. When the same people, who were not biased, were writing about the Bush and Cheney administration, they were called liberals and haters of the American troops. Take a look at the past presidencies and see the trend toward a totalitarian government. With the current American ebb it is a guess that it will not be long before all those who are standing up for this broken system are left in the wake of a complete scam to keep people poor so that the corporations can profit on a much larger scale. The current trend for the American public now being propagandized by the government itself is to rely on the government; this will only lead to a very terrible situation. The more people rely on the government for help the more they will remain poor and helpless. We already have lost our right to free speech, our right to assemble peacefully and our right of dissent. It is people who are blinded by the lies of government that are destroying America from the inside out. It is the same people who spread lies through propagating media fed disinformation. There are now commercials for food stamps this is propaganda to let you know big brother will care for you – wake up. When a person gives in to the total authority of government over their entire life they loose all. People no longer have the ability to have a say in whether their money is taken and given to the bankers as large bonuses instead of redirected into stabilizing the infrastructure or whether to allow large corporate entities to fail and die, as is in nature. At that point the people just allow the government to enter into a new form. America is no longer a democracy.

In order to understand where America stands on the adaptation of its governing style people need to first become educated on what has been happening here in America over the past forty years. The corporations, born and raised here, have infiltrated the government and begun to make decisions for all Americans through what is called lobbying. The corporations give money to politicians to make laws based on their industry and based on how much they can pay to have those laws enacted, laws that will allow these corporations to make more money. How can these corporations make more money? Well, take the food industry for instance, if the CEO of a big agri-corp were up against his/her shareholders that were demanding bigger and bigger profits, his /her first line of business would be to figure out how to generate ever-increasing profit margins. The generation of increasing profit margins must stem from the increasing demand. If demand is steady then the profit is not increasing, so the question would be how do you increase demand for food while increasing profits at the same time. Since there is not only one company out there trying to increase its profit margin there must be a way for all companies to profit from a increase in demand for the company’s food products. Well this is where corporate lobbying comes in, because you can change laws in order to lower certain standards so that the consumer is more attracted to the product. Whether it is through the use of certain chemicals to enhance the smell, taste, to keep the product from rotting or decaying, or the use of enhanced sugar products to keep our insatiable want for sweets (hard wired since awe have been extracting our vitamins and minerals from complex sugar molecules since we were walking upright) expanding, these lobbying efforts are not done to keep our health in order, they are done to keep profits flowing.

America has been taken over by corporate giants through the greed of our congressional representatives and senators. These crooks that have taken over the American government are consistently selling the American people out in order to secure their own greed for wealth and security. If these governmental representatives were not given carte blanche with respect to voting for their own future benefits, raises, voting demographics and authority we would not be in this place at all. In order to destroy this broken system it is going to take a few “good” men and women to get into office and vote against themselves, vote for term limits, vote for a destruction of the benefit package currently given to these crooks, vote for a reduction in pay (I say minimum wage and of course travel benefits) and that will not happen in the current system.

The current system is geared toward the reconstruction of the American dream. This reconstruction is being done with the American public’s permission but also through subversion and disinformation. The American public is not being told that they will soon all be much poorer in order to make the corporations more money. How does that work? Well look at what is happening globally. Currently, the global trend is to supply China with the necessary goods and services it needs to grow. Corporations all over the world are praising China’s current growth because it will have a much larger demand than the American public can offer these profit driven corporations. Again consider the CEO, his decision would be to lower the expectations of those in this country and move all profitable enterprises to the profitable sustainable areas of the world; currently China.

According to the current global situation and the ever-increasing corporate interests, the American government has been subverted to a fascist government type. Remember that a Fascist government requires only three ingredients, nationalism, militarism, and totalitarianism. The only arguable ingredient is the totalitarianism, look and see that, though the American government seems to have two parties, they are working toward the same agenda. This means only one thing, that the two party system America currently touts, is an illusion in order to keep the “F” word subdued. National healthcare, banking regulations, food regulations (Almentarius Codex), energy regulations, communication regulations, travel regulations, and soon to be housing regulations, have all been allowed by not just one party, but by both under the guise of different national crises and circumstances. America has undergone a slow and semi-painless transformation into a Fascist government that will allow very little (if any) freedom to its inhabitants in the name of world domination through hostile corporate take-over.

For America, the only possible solution for this growing governmental cancer is to demand the opposite of what has been given to the American people over the last forty years; honesty. Demand freedom from tyranny and demand the reinstatement of the US Constitution. When the press is given orders to print only certain stories, and the news has become a show rather than information, Americans have lost their right to truthful information and current events. Americans live in a huge illusion, the illusion that the government is here for the good of the people and to protect the people from a threat. The bad news is that the government is not doing things for the good of the people, and the threat is nonexistent. The threat is that the people of America find out that the real threat is the American government. Demand complete governmental transparency.


Medicated Conformity


As every American wakes to the smell and feel of winter bearing down on them the clock ticks closer toward medication time. When Americans get wrapped up in a blanket of apathy, they loose a part of themselves that their parents and grandparents told them they had. The majority of middle aged Americans were told by their parents and grandparents that they could make a difference in the world. This dream was stolen for them. This dream was destroyed when the presidency of the United States of America was hijacked by an oligarchic tyrannical group of colligate criminals. People started to realize that in order to be a part of the “we the people” government they needed to have one of the following: a degree in law, a history of executive leadership in large corporations, or a history of criminal behavior that went uncharged. This has left a portion of the American public completely dispirited and wondering where their freedom really is.

How do you control a nation of depressed and demoralized people? Continue to beat them, ask any abuser. In order to keep control of a dispirited person you keep abusing them, it makes them even more depressed. It keeps them thinking that there is really no way out. Threaten them. By threatening the sap, they become a victim and tend to just want to make the situation better and keep thinking that no matter what they are they reason this is happening to them, they are to blame; the victim. Maybe medication will help to quell the feelings of depression and self-hatred. If the victim is the problem then the abuser is the answer. The abuser can tell the victim to do whatever he/she deems necessary to become more powerful.

The abuser is a power hungry person looking to control with fear, conditioning and violence if necessary. Fear of loosing financial stability and fear of violent retaliation is a common thread between the abuser and victim. In America today the victim is the citizen and the abuser is the American oligarchy. As the American Government perpetrates mentally and physically abusive crimes against the American public, the citizens, in droves, take medication and are in complete denial of the loss of liberty and freedom that they are enduring much like the crimes perpetrated against a battered wife. The average American citizen no longer talks to his or her neighbor the people have been in a state of fear so huge and overpowering that it has consumed every ounce of self-confidence they naturally manifest.

In order for a victim to get well, the first step is to admit there is a problem. Once the person has digested that there is a problem (which is the hardest part by far), that person must shed the victim status and become strong enough to break away from the abuse and confront the issue from within. The victim must search for a group or power greater than themselves that can help them to rebuild strength and power. Then start to express the fears and anger while educating themselves on how they got into the situation and eliminating certain things from their life that will enable them to return to the abuse. Talk about what they did to allow themselves to get sucked into that abuse. Finally start a process that will change the situation so that they are not abused any longer. It is a long a grueling process; can the American people do it? Can they get off the addictive medication that creates apathy and obedience? Can they see the abuse and confront it? Or will the American government continue to push the people into a state of medicated conformity?

Fight to get your life back. Or remain medicated to tolerate this disgusting existence that has been perpetrated against you.


Economic Sleight of Hand


Recently President Obama has made certain things clear, the American government can figure out ways to make our economy ‘look’ like it is better than it is. Since America is in a struggle to keep its own homegrown corporations at home, it seems the government is doing all it can do to show the world we are still the top dog economy. If America looses its top dog economy status it looses the control over the possible one-world government, which has recently been in the news, and being prematurely pushed on the world. But why would a group of countries push a one-world government on the rest of the countries without every country being in alignment with the idea? Recently many world leaders have been talking about the quick assembly of a ‘New World Order’ (Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva[1], France’s new president[2], Henry Kissinger[3], even the American media[4]).

If all these countries are calling on the United States to quickly put together and maintain a new world order that will be the merging of many countries into a single governed body over which there will be a single leader to call the shots, maybe the people should be told why and to whom they will have to answer to. People of the countries who are a part of this ‘new world order’ seem to be mostly uneducated as to the transparency of this entire plot by these hosting countries. The seemingly opaque walls around the possible emergence of a new world government that will eliminate the sovereignty of the individual countries and form a single governed body, are high and not being given the exposure needed to keep the average citizen informed.

When government acts secretly the people are left to follow the acts of their governments without question and without say. Is this the loss of democracy or the actions of a rouge state that the people are afraid to question? When people are silenced by the actions of their governments, such as the loss of the American right to speak freely and assemble peacefully by the enactment of the permit; requiring all Americans to ask ‘permission’ by obtaining a purchased permit, that is when the people are intimidated into not saying much under the assumption that there is a large watchdog in place.

While these covert government actions are eroding the rights of their citizens in the individual countries the larger picture is coming into focus. The people are being lured into a huge cage where their opinions and their worth have no value. “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” (Edward R Murrow quote).I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air – that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave.” (H.L. Mencken quote).

People should start to discuss the current events that are unfolding before their eyes. People are in need of a collective untouched media outlet giving only facts and those reporters points of view. A human point of view is a sharply written and well-researched idea where opposing views could only promote discussion and debate on the true issues of the current global crisis all global citizens are faced with. Talk to your friends even if they don’t want to hear it, demand an opinion.


© 2009 Derek Nelson





Cover Your Eyes


Last night’s speech concerning the war in Afghanistan was laughable. There is no reason to believe America will leave that country while its national security is threatened by the staunch military buildup of the Chinese forces. Why would the American government give up control of 90% of the world’s opium production? The new wars being fought today are not being fought with guns and missiles. They are being fought using financial markets, bio-weapons, societal influence and fear. If people would stop watching the local nightly news and read the 2004 Chinese military white paper, they might see what is really happening in the world today. In that paper the Chinese clearly state that the next world war will be fought not only with weapons but the mastery of the aforementioned.

Destabilizing the citizens of a nation will force that nation not only to use its forces to quell the resistance at home but also to thin the defense of the physical forces and the morale as well. By thinning the defense and morale of the defending military, any nation, with strong economic capabilities, could topple the defending nation with a quick financial blow and spread of disease. By crippling the credit rating of any country this day and age would disallow that defending nation to borrow enough money to stop the spread of dissent and disease. With any defending nation unable to keep the homeland stable, government destabilization would occur within a short period of time.

Once the government becomes destabilized, the offense could easily topple that government and replace it with a government that is sympathetic its cause. This has been done many times throughout history but it is so much easier now with today’s technology. With the manipulation of public opinion complete success or the complete failure is on the shoulders of the public. If the public begins a transformation into wide spread dissent, the government of that country will need to contain that dissent in the hopes it does not spread out of control.

History shows that dissent spreads quickly under situations where the people of a country are highly taxed and oppressed to the extreme in any way. Presently there have been certain countermeasures put in place to keep this from happening quickly. Some of these countermeasures are two or three party political groups hidden behind a democracy. By keeping the people arguing about political issues, the government can pit one faction against another and quell the dissent almost immediately with certain leniency toward one or two of the political parties. Religion is another way to keep the masses calm and accepting the government’s ultimate rule and decision.

The people of America need to really wake up to the times and look at the current global situation to see why they are loosing their jobs and why China seems to be weathering the storm fairly well. The continual threat of flu and sickness that is invading our population all of a sudden is questionable and alarming. Once a person has knowledge of the openly distributed white papers for Chinese military build up, there is little to debate on what is happening in this current global economic turbulence. China’s current refusal to allow its currency to be manipulated in order to keep the dollar as the top currency has only accelerated the global economic crisis. With America’s unhindered push toward hegemony it seems inevitable for another country to try to retaliate and keep one single country or empire from ultimate control. Are we at war?


© Derek Nelson 2009